About us

Here's a little bit of how it went...
Before and after completing high school I knew design was my path. So i studied and am now a qualified Interior Designer & Decorator. My passion for the field was and still is unreal, I can talk for hours and hours about the importance of colour, feel, texture etc within a space.
After setting up my first home I loved decorating more then ever, it got a little real when I realised how silly it would be to throw away perfectly good furniture just for the sake of decor. So I thought hey why not just change the cushions more often to give it a fresh feel and ofcourse LESS EXPENSIVE!
We weren't in the best financial situation so I started sewing my own cushion covers and found it to be perfectly what I was after and more. Unique is what I was after - and never wanted to see the same piece everywhere.
After my son was born in 2012 and I found my passion grew bigger and bigger and had a lot of family and friends approaching me for pieces I would make. So that's when I decided to give birth to Cush&Coosh. The "Cush" is the first 4 letters of the way you spell "Cushion" and the "Coosh" is the first part of the way you pronounce the word "Cooshion" Make sense?
In 2015 after giving birth to my second son in Adelaide, we made a big choice to move to Melbourne. It was a good and beneficial move for our family however my motivation was slowly dieing down and I wasn't as passionate. I was busy with the kids and wanted to get used to my way around this big city.
In 2017 we were pregnant AGAIN, but this time with a not so happy pregnancy and supposed outcome. We were told little man wouldn't live after birth - so i closed shop and lost ALL motivation to want to make and create. I sat for most of my pregnancy on the couch at night crocheting, I made a cushion and a blanket. After all that baby came out a charmer.
So naturally after the amazing outcome I stopped and wanted to get myself together and start again. Thats when I relaunched Cush&Coosh

I had a little party showcasing some new and fresh designs and it turned out to be such an amazing day, filled with laughter and fun and Ohhhh so much food!!
A few years on my passion is still there Stronger then ever. I love the fact that my work is loved by so many and my beautiful customers love my work and appreciate the time and effort that goes into each piece.
I forever want to keep my business small and personal because that's what makes Cush&Coosh unique. Forever Handmade & made with love...
Love Shirin Xx